Why You Should Get a Roof Inspection This Summer

When was the last time you had your roof inspected? Even if everything looks good to you, there could be damage or deterioration under the surface that a cursory glance won’t reveal. Every so often, it’s important to have a professional check out your roof and update you on any potential work needed.

Don’t underestimate the importance of roof inspections. Even if you can’t see any damage and nothing major has happened to cause any, roof maintenance is still key to a long-lasting home. Aside from natural wear and tear, consider scheduling a roof inspection if any of these circumstances apply to you.

Your roof needs a check-up! Here’s when to schedule your next roof inspection and get ready for summer. Click To Tweet

Major Weather Events

High winds, heavy rain, or hail can give your roof a beating. Even if your roof looks intact after a severe thunderstorm, you may still need some emergency storm repair. Let a professional decide how bad the damage is.

Pro Tip: While severe weather can damage your roof quickly, normal rain and sun can still take a few years off your roof’s lifespan. Don’t assume you’re safe just because a thunderstorm missed you.

Preventive Maintenance

Think of a periodic roof inspection like a wellness visit to your doctor. There may not be any outstanding problems, but a check-up can catch bad conditions before they become severe. Routine maintenance and inspections will provide the proper maintenance your roof requires, keeping it in good shape for years to come. Inspectors will easily catch and inform you of any necessary work so they can fix the problem before it becomes a disaster.

Mold Prevention

Those dark streaks on your roof are most than just annoyances. Mold and algae on your roof, especially on shingles, can eat away at the protective coating and make your home vulnerable to leaks. Thankfully, a roof inspector can catch the problem in its infancy and help you schedule a professional cleaning to keep the mold from spreading.

Curb Appeal

Finally, a well-maintained roof just looks pleasing, particularly if you’re looking to rent or sell your home. Your roofing professionals can keep your home looking nice. Stand out from the crowd with a clean, fully repaired roof!

Avoid Roofing Problems

Even if your roof looks perfect right now, it may require some leak repair or reinforcements that you can’t easily spot. Let a professional roofing contractor take care of the inspection for you and discuss any problems to keep an eye on. Not only will this keep your roof in good condition, but it will also decrease any future roof repairs you need and save you money!

Ready to schedule your free roof inspection? Connect with us to speak with our roofing experts about what your home needs.