Clearing out the gutters is an essential part of regular roof maintenance! You’ll be glad you did!

Clearing out the gutters is an essential part of regular roof maintenance! You’ll be glad you did!

Clearing out the gutters is an essential part of regular roof maintenance! You’ll be glad you did!

It may be seen as a dreaded job, but cleaning out your gutters regularly has lasting benefits to the life of your roof. Gutters are essential to your roof and channel water away from the base of your home. This helps prevent floods and decrease the possibility of damage to the home’s foundation which can be extremely costly. You don’t want to ignore your gutters!

It’s very important to keep the gutters in good working order. At least twice a year, you should examine or have someone else examine the gutters closely. Removing potential problems such as leaves, piles of dirt and tree branches keeps the roof in great shape and reduces the impact of sudden storms. Big storms can mean big problems for your roof and home if your gutters aren’t clear.

Several proven ways to clean your gutters include using a leaf blower, a power washer, a wet/dry vacuum, a garden hose or by hand. It’s important to address every clog or blockage because these can really cause damage in the long term. Regular roof maintenance may take some effort, but it’s worth it to your roof’s overall health and your peace of mind.

Contact Royal Crown Roofing to learn more about the steps you can take now to protect your roof through regular roof maintenance including gutter clearing. The expert team at Royal Crown Roofing can provide any type of service from roof installation to inspection and maintenance.  We look forward to discussing your roofing needs and sharing our expertise with you. 

Spending a little money on roof maintenance today will save big tomorrow!

Spending a little money on roof maintenance today will save big tomorrow!

How does spending money up front on roof maintenance actually save you money? If you suddenly have a roofing emergency, you may find yourself having to pay big bucks for an emergency service call. When water from a leaking roof is damaging your interior, you don’t have too many options! It’s an emergency and you’re willing to pay whatever it takes!

Emergency service calls are often billed on a time and materials basis, and cost extra on holidays, evenings or weekends. These service call bills can really add up. The money you wisely spend on inspection and routine maintenance before, adds up to a lot less than what you’ll spend during an expensive emergency situation involving your roof. 

Contact Royal Crown Roofing to learn more about the steps you can take now to protect your roof from costly emergency repairs by being smart about roof maintenance.  Our expert team can assess any potential costly damage and take care of it now! Royal Crown Roofing offers an array of full services from roof repair, maintenance, inspections and replacement. Let us help you make the most of your roof and save you money in the process.

Overhanging branches can really damage your roof! Is it time for a trim?

Overhanging branches can really damage your roof! Is it time for a trim?

You might be checking your roof regularly for damaged shingles and roofing materials, but are you also keeping an eye on the trees surrounding your house? Over hanging branches can actually be more of a problem than you think.

Tree branches and leaves that touch your roof can eventually damage shingles, especially in high winds. Over time the abrasive scratching can cause real problems. Overhanging branches can also give squirrels and other rodents direct access to your roof where they can gnaw on your roof and siding. Tree-trimming also goes a long way toward keeping leaves and branches off your shingles to extend the life of your roof.

Regular roof maintenance and checkups, in addition to keeping overhanging branches at least ten feet away from your roof can really increase the longevity of your roof.

Contact Royal Crown Roofing to learn more about the steps you can take now to protect your roof through regular roof maintenance for years to come. Royal Crown Roofing offers a full range of commercial and residential roofing services, from new roof installation to roof repairs and more. We look forward to discussing your roofing needs and sharing our expertise with you. 

Have you checked the flashing and sealants on your roof lately?! You’ll be glad you did!

Have you checked the flashing and sealants on your roof lately?! You’ll be glad you did!

Regular roof maintenance should always include an inspection of the flashing and sealants. The flashing is a strip of metal that connects your skylights or chimney to your roof. Wind and weather can get underneath the flashing and rip it loose, causing mold and water damage. 

Most of the time when you notice a leak around a chimney or at the corners of your roofing, it’s because of an issue with your flashings. You should always be on the lookout for a loose flashing and tack it back on tightly. Also look for holes in the flashing. At the same time, you should check for cracked or weakened caulking used to keep the flashing in place. If needed, remove old caulking, scrape the area clean and apply fresh sealant. With regular roof maintenance, including paying attention to the flashing and sealants, you can often spot any problems early enough before any real damage occurs.

Royal Crown Roofing has years of experience and expertise, offering a full range of commercial and residential roofing services, from new roof installation to roof repairs and more. We can perform inspections and maintenance that extend the life of your existing roof and help you when it’s time to replace your roof. You can expect only the best when you choose Royal Crown Roofing.

Does your roofing warranty completely protect you?  It’s important to find out!

Does your roofing warranty completely protect you? It’s important to find out!

Your existing roof came with a warranty, of course, but a warranty can often give you a false sense of security. Just because your roof came with a warranty doesn’t mean that it will always be repaired or replaced with no questions asked. There are many factors that can affect whether your current warranty will provide the coverage you think it will. 

Many roofing companies and roofing material manufacturers require that you get a professional inspection every few years. Some also require an inspection after a major weather event for their warranty to remain active. If you can’t show proof that your roof has been maintained, you may run into problems if you try to make a claim on your warranty.

Contact Royal Crown Roofing to learn more about the steps you can take now to inspect and maintain your roof for years to come and keep your warranty intact.  Royal Crown Roofing has years of experience dealing with roof maintenance and warranties and offers a full range of commercial and residential roofing services, from new roof installation to roof repairs and more. Let us help you keep your roof in optimal condition for years to come.