5 Ways to Increase Your Houston Home’s Curb Appeal

5 Ways to Increase Your Houston Home’s Curb Appeal

5 Ways to Increase Your Houston Home’s Curb Appeal

Is your family preparing to sell your house and move? Are you a real estate agent looking to improve a property? Alternatively, are you just feeling particularly motivated to do some extensive home renovations? Whatever the case, one of your biggest goals is probably increasing your home’s curb appeal.

A house’s curb appeal plays a huge role in not only its value but also its overall condition and place in the neighborhood. Here’s how to increase your home’s curb appeal! Click To Tweet

Upgrade Your Woodlands Home’s Exterior

Whether you’re covering up damage or just upgrading, working on curb appeal gives your house a facelift and lets you enjoy your residence that much more. Depending on your budget and time commitment, you can take curb appeal pretty far and accomplish a good amount. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Repaint the outside
  2. Care for your lawn
  3. Get a new mailbox
  4. Clean your gutters
  5. Upgrade your roof

How to Increase Your Home's Curb Appeal, Royal Crown Roofing, Conroe, TX

1) Repaint the Outside

Over the span of time, hail damage and normal aging can cause the external sides of the house to look drab and dreary. A fresh coat of paint can give the outside of your house a new life by covering up the damage and extending the life of the exterior walls. Deciding what color to paint the outside is a big decision. 

Pro Tip: If your home is monitored by a homeowner’s association (HOA), contact them for approval before painting. Failing to get approval from your HOA may create future problems or unwanted fees. 

2) Care for Your Lawn

There’s nothing more eye-catching than a front yard with green grass and blooming plants. Keep your lawn healthy by regularly trimming the grass, picking the weeds, and keeping all of the plants watered. If your area is particularly shaded, be sure to choose plants that don’t require too much sunlight. Be sure to care for your yard regularly so that you can prevent brown spots. 

3) Get a New Mailbox

Did you know you can customize your mailbox? Unless your neighborhood has certain restrictions, the options are endless for what mailbox you could choose. From different materials like metal or plastic to different grains of wood, your mailbox is one of the first things seen when pulling up the driveway. Buying a new mailbox could be the one element that makes your house stand out from your next-door neighbor.

4) Clean Your Gutters

If you’re preparing for heavy rain, cleaning your gutters is an important maintenance step. Removing leaves and sticks from your gutters can help prevent roof leaks and in turn, can enhance your curb appeal by lessening the messy appearance.

5) Upgrade Your Roof

Depending on the age and type of roof, its recommended for homeowners to replace their roof every 20-30 years. Currently, asphalt shingles are the most popular and are offered with a number of different color options that can help accentuate the style of your home. If you’re not able to replace your roof entirely, consider having it repaired or cleaned to keep it in the best shape for you or any future homeowner.

Give Yourself a Newly Renovated House

Even a few changes or a few hours spent on restoration work can make a big difference in your home’s appearance and curb appeal. Once the job is done, you’ll have given yourself a house that’s at least partially new! Your home improvement efforts will not go unnoticed.

Connect with us to learn more about increasing curb appeal and your home’s value.