The GAF Roof Repair System in Houston

The GAF roofing system is designed to give homeowners security and peace of mind once their roof installation is complete. We aim to provide our clients with beautiful roofs using the best products on the market for a lifetime guarantee. Let’s take a closer look at the GAF process of removing an old roof and installing a new one.

What happens during a roof replacement? Learn what to expect from your GAF Master Elite contractors here. #RoyalCrownRoofing Click To Tweet

Prior to Installation

The first part of the roofing process is, of course, removing your old roofing materials. Our GAF Master Elite contractors remove all your shingles, insulation, and nails, down to the roof deck itself. An inspector then checks over your roof’s structure for any damages or potential problem areas. Our team performs any repairs needed to get your roof in good shape for the next step.

Pro Tip: You can save time on your roof installation by scheduling a free inspection ahead of time! Get in touch with us today to find out how.

Shielding Your Roof Deck

Roof decks are typically made of wood, meaning they require additional protection against rain and leaks. We install leak barriers on the corners and folds of your roof, where leaks are most common, and then cover the entire roof in GAF deck armor for further waterproofing. Finally, the entire leak protection system is sealed with a single layer of shingles around the edges of the room, held on by a powerful GAF-approved adhesive. With your roof deck fully protected, our contractors will install the rest of the shingles in the color and style you choose.

The Finishing Touches

Shingles aren’t the last thing your roof needs, however. Our team adds additional waterproof layers at each peak of the roof to seal heat and moisture out of your attack, preventing damage. Finally, a row of shingles is installed on top of each protective layer to match the rest of your roof and provide further waterproofing. And with that, your new roof is complete! Our lifetime guarantee ensures that your roof will last for many years to come.

Enjoy Your New Roof!

At Royal Crown Roofing, we work hard to provide you with not only an excellent roof, but also the assurance that your new roof will last a lifetime. We’re confident in our abilities and hope to provide you with the best service and new roof possible.

Connect with us to learn more about the GAF roof repair system and how we apply it to our Houston-area clients.