To all the brave who aren’t afraid of heights…

If you sit at a computer 16 hours a day, you aren’t in shape to be climbing ladders to make repairs on your roof, even if you aren’t scared of heights. And even if you’re in incredible physical condition, you may want to stay off ladders because they are extremely dangerous. OSHA, in its list of most dangerous jobs, puts roofers as third and that’s because roofers get killed falling off roofs and ladders. So, most of us don’t want to risk it.

Here are some tips for you, though, if you are willing to take the chance and try climbing up onto the roof:
– Make sure the ladder is in good shape, with nothing loose, split, bent or broken.
– Clean up any dirt, grease or dust on the ladder that might cause you to slip.
– Declutter the area before using the ladder.
– Put up the ladder only on a firm, level surface.
– Be sure to face the ladder when climbing up and down to keep your balance.
– Use both hands to securely grip the ladder while climbing.
– Take only small items up the ladder and avoid holding them in your hands.
– Avoid leaning away from the ladder, which can cause you to lose your balance.
– Don’t stand on the two top rungs of the ladder.
– Avoid distractions and stay focused on what you are doing.

Now, if all this seems rather difficult to do, and you want to leave the roof repair and replacement work to the professionals, contact Royal Crown Roofing for their assistance. They are glad to help you.