Are you aware of the dangers involved in cleaning your roof?

It’s not too wise to take on a project you don’t know much about, especially when it involves something as important as the roof on your house. There are dangers involved, both to you and your roof, not to mention your pocketbook.

Some homeowners may think they can clean the roof with their new power washer. But, blasting away at your roof can cause damage to asphalt shingles, for instance. Asphalt shingles have tiny granules that protect your roof from the weather and UV rays, and power washing will wash them away, leaving your home unprotected in our Houston storms and summer heat. 

More damage to your roof will occur if you haul heavy equipment onto it. In fact, damage can occur simply by walking on it. You need special footwear and the knowledge of where you can safely walk on it. You could accidentally step in an extremely hot spot and cause punctures or even rip loose shingles. All of this is not to mention the damage to yourself if you fall while doing the job.

Finally, in our hot, humid summers, our roofs attract algae, lichen and moss buildup that will damage your roof. Special chemicals along with just enough water pressure will clean them away.

Royal Crown Roofing has the expertise and the right tools to do the job effectively. We can keep your roof safe and in good shape for years to come. Contact us!