Keep Roof Leaks Under Control

A well-structured roof can last for years and take plenty of abuse from the weather. However, part of maintaining your roof’s lifespan is handling small incidents as they happen. If you’re beginning to notice that your roof leaks in heavy rain or even in a drizzle, it’s time for repairs.

A leaky roof is more than an inconvenience. The potential for severe water damage to the rest of your roof and to the house itself is too great to put off repairs too long. In the meantime, however, there are a few things you can do to keep the water from causing too many problems while you wait for emergency roof repairs.

Is your roof leaking? Here’s how to keep things under control while you wait for emergency roof repairs. Share on X

Contain and Drain the Leak

If you can see a dripping spot on your ceiling, place a bucket underneath to catch the water. Once the initial dripping is contained, see if there’s a dark spot or bulge where the water is dripping from. More than likely, rainwater is pooling back there and will eventually burst out. With a little care, you can prevent this from happening. Stand on a ladder as close to the leak as you can and gently insert a screwdriver into the bulge or dark spot to drain the excess water. While you may see increased water flowing into the bucket briefly, this will prevent too much water from accumulating and causing further damage.

Temporarily Cover the Leak

Do this ONLY if you are confident you know where the leak is on your roof and if it is safe to climb on your roof. Locate the source of the leak and cover it as best you can with a waterproof tarp. If you can find the same leak inside your house, cover the interior with a tarp as well. While this is just a temporary fix, it will prevent the damage from worsening in the meantime. Even professional roofing companies can’t repair your roof in bad weather.

Pro Tip: NEVER climb on your roof during a rainstorm. Roofing material becomes slick when wet and you can easily fall.

Watch for Other Damage

Ignoring a roof leak will not make it better. Monitor your roof and the surrounding areas for any additional signs of damage. It’s probably time for a more intensive roof repair if you notice any of these warning signs:

  • Dark spots or sagging on the inside ceiling
  • Missing, broken, or warped shingles
  • Clogged roof gutters or drains
  • Missing roofing material around vents, chimneys, etc.

Emergency Houston Roof Leak Repair

Once the leak is contained temporarily, call your local roofing contractor and schedule an emergency repair as soon as you can. Once the weather is clear enough for them to work, you should get the hole patched immediately. Don’t let your roof continue leaking and letting rainwater into your house.

Connect with us to learn more about temporarily containing leaks and inspecting your roof for damages.