All roofs have their problems, including flat ones

Your flat roof, with its sleek design and cost-effectiveness, deals with a much greater accumulation of leaves, branches, dirt and other debris that need clearing off. If you feel comfortable climbing up on roofs, you might use a broom or blower to sweep it clean, but otherwise call a roofing expert like Royal Crown Roofing for their help.

You also need to deal with overhanging branches that not only deposit debris but can also scratch or puncture the roof surface during storms or high winds. Any branches that are in close proximity to your roof need to be trimmed to minimize the risk of damage.

Another problem on flat roofs is that of standing water. Effective drainage is vital for the roof’s health. Standing water which is more likely on a flat roof can cause structural damage and increase the risk of leaks, so keeping the drainage system in good working condition is essential. Clogged gutters, downspouts, and drains need continual clearing to ensure water can flow freely off the roof. 

Ponding is a term that refers to the accumulation of water on the roof surface for more than 48 hours after rainfall, a dangerous situation for your roof. It can weaken its structure, lead to leaks, and accelerate deterioration.

Even a small leak can quickly escalate into a major problem if left unattended. If you notice any signs of water infiltration, such as stains on the ceiling or walls, damp spots, or musty odors, address them immediately. The leak needs to be located and sealed promptly. Ignoring leaks can result in extensive damage to the roof and the interior of the building.

Regular inspections, preferably in the spring and fall, and after severe weather events are key to identifying any signs of water damage or wear and tear early on. Cracks, blisters, pooling of water, loose seams, and any signs of deterioration need to be found early to keep your roof in good shape. This allows for timely repairs, preventing them from escalating into larger and more expensive issues.

While you may be able to handle some maintenance tasks yourself, it’s advisable to have a professional roofing contractor inspect and maintain your flat roof periodically. They have the expertise and experience to identify potential issues that you may not notice and can perform repairs or maintenance tasks correctly. Royal Crown Roofing is here to assist you in caring for your roof. Call them.